Conclusions: The seller is a cheater. He wrote the number of the parcel he sent to another person. He did not send the order and I was cheated. He is a crook and a thief !
Rishabh Pahwa
01/02/2018 05:56
Source: GearBest
Great product
Advantages: Good smartwatch, the design is sleek and screen is good, runs android with playstore support and good watchfaces. Recommended at the price
Limitations: Battery life is less, and no waterproofing.
Rishabh Pahwa
01/02/2018 12:00
Source: GearBest
Great product
Advantages: Good smartwatch, the design is sleek and screen is good, runs android with playstore support and good watchfaces. Recommended at the price
Limitations: Battery life is less, and no waterproofing.
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