Conclusions: Phone lovely, come quickly, oabotaet wonderful!!!! Very satisfied
02/11/2018 12:00
Source: Mi Global Store
Bundle:Official Standard Color:Black
Conclusions: Still there any complaints about the phone, everything is great. Moved to to it with Samsung Galaxy S8 plus. Xiaomi as always on top. Until this was Xiaomi mi5s plus (Drowned).
19/10/2018 10:41
Source: Banggood
amazing phone
Conclusions: The phone is amazing, really nice packaging, including a clear silicone protection case. When turning in the phone automaticaly updated to MiUI 10.0.6, which is real nice.
My only problem is that I don't mannage to update to the global Rom.
27/09/2018 12:00
Source: Mi Global Store
Bundle:Official Standard Color:Black
Conclusions: Perfect foremost is petacular mobile, that if Communication with the seller. I get the plug adapter of the loader in bad shape blames the transport and does not give you solution good neither cont is ta But good at least the mobile is a marvel
05/09/2018 12:00
Source: Mi Global Store
Bundle:Official Standard Color:Black
Conclusions: Perfect phone. Product matches exactly the specs. Perfect communication with the Seller.
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