Conclusions: The phone is very satisfied, the packaging is just excellent, it came quickly. the seller is excellent can be ordered. the track was tracked until the last day.
15/01/2019 12:00
Source: China_Product Store
Bundle:Add 16GB Memory Card Color:Black
Conclusions: Very much razacherovalas, Microphone not working, not hear me when communicating. Spent the money. For the amount you could buy in store, and I waited a long time to get damaged phone. DO NOT RECOMMEND PAKUPAT!!!
AliExpress Shopper
11/01/2019 12:00
Source: Oversea Phone Store
Bundle:EU Plug Color:Green
Conclusions: The seller sent a long, almost a week, but make it faster than expected) a total of 3 weeks. Quality suit, recommend. The seller could not communicate (he did not understand my questions ((
09/01/2019 12:00
Source: Oversea Phone Store
Bundle:EU Plug Color:Black
Conclusions: Phone received. Tatarstan Went 21 day. The goods intact. To Track all the way. The Phone runs. Thank You
AliExpress Shopper
08/12/2018 12:00
Source: Oversea Phone Store
Bundle:EU Plug Color:Orange
Conclusions: Excellent phone, it works, looks неубиваемо!
18/10/2018 12:00
Source: Ashgary Store
Conclusions: The long ship then gave a fictional track number!!!
13/10/2018 12:00
Source: Oversea Phone Store
Bundle:EU Plug Color:Black
Conclusions: Battery at least once every 2 outlined the day in an average load.
The rest is not satisfactory.
13/08/2018 12:00
Source: Vernee Store
Conclusions: I would, of course, the battery, but oh well, at least the money back
12/06/2018 12:00
Source: Ashgary Store
Conclusions: Память встроенная определяется как 10Гб.
Батарея - не 4500 как на ней написано а 2000 (на форуме 4PDA об читал еще до покупки). При этом у меня за ночь он разряжается на 1%, а днем - в зависимости от использования. Экран очень сильно "съедает" - полная разрядка часа за 4 активного использования, к этому нужно быть готовым.
В остальном - отличный телефон за эти деньги.
03/06/2018 12:00
Source: China Brands AE Technology Co., Ltd.
Conclusions: Телефон пришёл очень быстро.Брат очень доволен.Во всём устраивает,только заявленная ёмкость батареи не соответствует.На последней фотографии это видно.
07/05/2018 12:00
Source: Ashgary Store
Conclusions: good quality excellent хорошееупакован phone
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