Conclusions: pros: quick (20 days to rostov-to-bottom), whole, all present (set) Minutes: The goods aren't traceable, the transport company split the track number just when the bodies came to my city, and the site did not even add my track after that, but you wrote the order number in the count box (why? ?? ) The phone for that kind of money is clear.
26/02/2019 06:01
Source: Joy Collection
Color: Blue
Conclusions: The phone is safe and safe. Screen quality at height. We'll be waiting for the manufacturer to unlock the loader and get it right.
18/02/2019 12:00
Source: HongKong Telling Communication Store
Bundle:6G RAM 64G ROM Color:Blue
Conclusions: Phone and customer service were really good. very responsive. Love it
15/02/2019 12:00
Source: HongKong Telling Communication Store
Bundle:4G RAM 64G ROM Color:Black
Conclusions: the battery life is as strong as 3,500mh
21/01/2019 12:00
Source: HongKong Telling Communication Store
Bundle:6G RAM 64G ROM Color:Black
Conclusions: Phone super! The seller is done quickly sent all the questions posted great seller
20/01/2019 03:17
Source: Joy Collection
Color: Blue
Conclusions: The phone came quick, took it in the warehouse, so it could be faster. The 4th catches in Orrenburg, The charger takes a long time (half charged) from Chinese applications is almost all removed, Except for the ones in the photo. The store's almost all in Chinese, just like the search string. Notifications are configured
22/12/2018 04:07
Source: Joy Collection
Color: Blue
Conclusions: A very large display, basically because of him and he took it. Delivery for a month. I recommend it.
12/12/2018 12:00
Source: HongKong Telling Communication Store
Bundle:4G RAM 64G ROM Color:Blue
Conclusions: Many thanks. Is a beautiful smartphone recommend.
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