Conclusions: Very fast delivery and great value for money absolutely no problems.
Thank You
24/01/2019 12:00
Source: overfight Store
Bundle:Official Standard Color:3GB 32GB Black
Conclusions: All is super! Thank you very much! Bad spoke on the touchscreen tupil. Detach The shield and ALL SUPER!))
11/01/2019 12:00
Source: overfight Store
Bundle:Official Standard Color:3GB 32GB Black
Conclusions: Goods in perfect condition.
14/12/2018 12:00
Source: overfight Store
Bundle:Official Standard Color:3GB 32GB Black
Conclusions: Already very long looking been after a big tablet and now I have him found! I am here quite happy with it!
AliExpress Shopper
11/12/2018 12:00
Source: overfight Store
Bundle:Official Standard Color:3GB 32GB White
Conclusions: Good, responsible, honest seller. I recomend this shop and seller to everyone. Quick shipment, good high quality tablet.
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