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JiaYu S3 - Comments

C***s S.
12/10/2017 01:50
Source: ST-Online Electronic Store

The phone

Conclusions: The phone take 21 days to arrive and was in good conditions.
M***y D.
25/09/2017 01:29
Source: ST-Online Electronic Store

The phone

Conclusions: The phone works perfectly but the memory card isn't 32 gb. I can copy in the memory card only 16 gb. I pay 30$ customs tax because the seller declared full price and I'm not happy about this.
I***a P.
05/09/2017 02:22
Source: ST-Online Electronic Store


Conclusions: Ok.
P***l Z.
01/09/2017 03:11
Source: ST-Online Electronic Store

Shipment arrived within 12 days to the Poland

Conclusions: Shipment arrived within 12 days to the Poland. Next 12 days spent in a customs warehouse. I paid 23% tax. Phone complies with the specification. Worth the price.
09/11/2016 12:00
Source: GearBest

fantastic phone

Advantages: very good and quality telephone
Limitations: battery delays to charge
08/08/2015 12:00
Source: DealExtreme

Awesome phone

Conclusions: Well, i can't really write a full review here, but there is no need to. This is definately one of the few best buys on the market right now. Finally, there is a phone that has everything that it has to. All the time manufacturers miss on something like 1gb of ram, no led notification and so on. But this phone has it all inlcuding a decent battery. As for the software, i don't know if it is from the factory or the dx flash, but it is great as well. Absolutely no bloatware, perfectly clean android with optional themes. Oh, and it is rooted. There was nothing i had to do except starting to install apps. One thing to note is that there is lollipop available now.
09/06/2015 12:00
Source: DealExtreme

Better then expected!

Conclusions: The device looks great. It feels much thinner then I expected. It lies pretty good in my hand. Performance is also great. It took me quite a while to drain the battery for the first time. Battery endurance is great. Screen looks good. Camera works quick and photo's look good. Overall I am really surpised. I owned the Jiayu G4 Advanced and was OK with the device. but this S3 really got me enthousiastic. If you need a 5.5 inch smartphone and don't want to buy a western phone: THIS IS IT! Great quality, great price!

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