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THL 4000 - Comments

08/05/2017 12:00
Source: GearBest

This phone has great battery life.

Advantages: This is a great phone with a massive battery. Very happy with my order and the shipping was really fast.
Limitations: None.
06/03/2017 12:00
Source: DealExtreme

good phone

Conclusions: I have the phone for over two years now. It still works fine.
05/01/2017 12:00
Source: DealExtreme

Great battery life

Conclusions: Pros: Great battery life, good resistance, average processing speed Cons: Bad file space manager I have this phone over 2 years now and so far is still usable, have taken some falls but survived with minimun scratches. My only complain is the system partition are too small for new apps. I have found on the community a way to resize but is not a simple task.
01/09/2016 12:00
Source: DealExtreme

Great smart phone

Conclusions: I was very impressed with the quality of the phone, the only thing that wasn't so good was the speaker loudness - it wasn't loud enough to per say watch the television outside because you couldn't hear enough.
04/12/2015 12:00
Source: DealExtreme

Great phone for the price

Conclusions: The phone is great for its price and I was very impressed with it. The battery lasts for a very long time and this is a very important need for me. The performance of the phone is good, I had no problems with speed and memory. Sound is clear and the screen has good quality. Cons: The back cover broke in a small place after a few uses so the plastic used is not the best. For me it was only an aspect problem.
16/11/2015 12:00
Source: DealExtreme

Loooong lasting battery life

Conclusions: This phone never lets you down. It's battery runs for at least two days and a half. Very good specs and nice design although a little bit chunky and heavy but I guess this is the price to pay for the long lasting battery.
08/11/2015 12:00
Source: DealExtreme

Cheap Great Quality Smartphone

Conclusions: The THL 4000 Phone which I have had now for a year still works fine and for the price it was a bargain. The phone was fluid when it came to apps with hardly any problems. The only negative I had deals with the OS when I would constantly receive the same SMS message from my friend every time I turn my phone on. However I discovered this was a Android problem which many people have had over the years. The camera app may not be perfect but downloading camera mx solves any issues you have with taking cool photos. Lastly if you have the white version of the phone surprising it has some apps missing as opposed to the black version which was weird yet the black version seems to be more robustly built. Otherwise the other features worked perfectly which proves that unlike some phone companies this phone was tested for QC constantly.
29/06/2015 12:00
Source: DealExtreme

THL 4000 quad-core

Conclusions: Pros: Very good one for a small price. Cons: Small amount memory...but...see Pros ;) Camera is ... OK, even there is many more to wish......but...see Pros ;) The one I've got have a kind of video problem...sometimes the screen start to flicker, changes colours (like sepia effect) even goes upside down. Still...I can handle this and...see Pros ;)
17/06/2015 12:00
Source: DealExtreme

THL Android Phone

Conclusions: The phone is wow, very great product of phones in the world. Every thing about the phone is good. The battery duration is fantastic, the talk time is nice, standby is good. Bluetooth, Camera are so powerful. Please go for it.
21/05/2015 12:00
Source: DealExtreme

thl 4000 smartphone

Conclusions: This smartphone is of 4.7" and has an IPS capacitive screen. It has a huge battery capacity of 4000mAh. This is the biggest selling point of the smartphone. That is why many like it. The battery lasts long and it depends on how the user uses it. For browsing, for portable WiFi hotspot, for games and so many other. The battery can run down unexpectedly sometimes but it's ok. It has Google play installed and ready to download applications. The smartphone feels slightly heavy in the palm but that's not a big deal. The ROM should have increased to 16gb next time. All is well so far.
20/05/2015 12:00
Source: DealExtreme

Excelent product

Conclusions: The battery is excelent, long duration. Nice screen and touchpad is smooth
17/05/2015 12:00
Source: DealExtreme

Very good phone, for a few Euro's

Conclusions: I bought this phone after some big considerations. What kind of phone do I want, what do I need. When I received it. It was amazingly complete. Screen protections, earplugs, hard case. Everything included in a nice box. I have used it now for quite a time, and I am very impressed! This quality for such price. It is amazing. I'm sure that the next phone would be again a THL Pros: Very long lasting battery, got all the needed functions. Phone is very strong (not bendable), stable software, everything works as needed. Cons: the phone is a little heavy, but hey, what do you expect from a big battery that lasts forever!!

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