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MECOOL M8s plus - Comments

20/08/2020 04:22
Source: Banggood


09/08/2020 05:56
Source: Banggood

Very good for the price

Conclusions: Very good for the price .The channels didnt work as expected.
20/06/2020 01:34
Source: Banggood

Great Product Great Seller+++++ Good Android

Conclusions: Great Product Great Seller+++++ Good Android product stable needed a mouse or keyboard with integral pad to use it at best!
15/03/2019 12:00
Source: Shenzhen Virtual Elec Store

Ships From:China Plug Type:EU Plug

Conclusions: Delivery is super, from the moment of order to receive 20 days. Seller 5 stars. The unit is cool, the setting is simple. I'm happy.
01/03/2019 12:00
Source: GoodStart Store

Ships From:Russian Federation Plug Type:EU Plug

Conclusions: Ordered 25.02 Courier brought 01.03 tested works look stretch!!!
25/02/2019 12:00
Source: ShenZhen Breakist TECHNPLOGY CO.,LTD Store

Ships From:Russian Federation Plug Type:EU Plug Color:1gb ram 8gb rom

Conclusions: 5 + + + + + all well very quickly even in Russia is done
17/02/2019 12:00
Source: GoodStart Store

Ships From:Russian Federation Plug Type:EU Plug Color:1G 8G

Conclusions: The delivery-choose shipping from Russia, but judging by the крекингу goods came from China, so MSK turned 7 days (usually from Russia faster)/ The device-ordered version 1/8. THE shell is 8 GB, but the maintenance programs for some reason it shows only 4. until you understand where the error, but the fact is there. Player OK Can Play files from external drive with 10-12 Mb/s, but use it as a C-impossible. The 802.11n 2.4 work only on 20 MHz, so the connection in 72, but regularly held at 63 or even to 52, so even video in 576р may slow down.
AliExpress Shopper
13/02/2019 12:00
Source: VONTAR Official Store

Ships From:China Plug Type:EU Plug Color:1G 8G with 69A

Conclusions: Set Up only works with antenna could not be verified. Not podtarmazhivaet. Had To install additional software for watching TV.
09/02/2019 12:00
Source: Shenzhen Virtual Elec Store

Ships From:China Plug Type:EU Plug

Conclusions: Received console for three weeks in Peter by regular mail. Work well, essential channels h264 main L3.0, yuv420p, 720x576. Подержка K in menu nowhere does not figure. To terrestrial channel record should be in several menyushek zalest. Softina the update does not want the server is unavailable and shell. Programki of convenience store put but not all work. YouTube softina there but save the video also nehochet. Some pre-installed services do not work. IN general, a good console but would be pomoschnee. Good seller.
05/02/2019 12:00
Source: Best Professional Electronics Store

Color:EU Plug

Conclusions: Youtube 1080 drags but sometimes hangs on the other, maybe it's overheating. We'll have to adapt the ventilators. In general, for such money analogs do not find android + dvb t2
AliExpress Shopper
04/02/2019 12:00
Source: Professional AI Tech Store

Plug Type:US Plug Color:Only M8S Plus DVB

Conclusions: ‏ Arrival in the Sultanate of Oman two weeks device exactly problem not يرتق shower عربسات and ‏‏ ‏ Neil sat
23/01/2019 12:00
Source: Hulk 3C Store

Plug Type:EU Plug Color:Black

Conclusions: All standards sposibo
22/01/2019 12:00
Source: VONTAR Official Store

Ships From:Russian Federation Plug Type:EU Plug Color:1G 8G with 057

Conclusions: After months of use all good. IPTV work movies turns. TV shows.
25/12/2018 12:00
Source: AmberYI's CE top Store


Conclusions: Order delivered moskvu for 20 days. Fits the description of goods arrived safely. Thanks to the seller!
23/12/2018 12:00
Source: Best Professional Electronics Store

Color:EU Plug

Conclusions: 30 channels found in Settings Changed area, but not caught the last 10-five какналов eventually because of wrong переставленной antenna. YouTube is. Wi-Fi built inside. Happy for the money. From the negative sometimes rough translation, not fast CPU and memory. But in principle for the money really nothing to complain about, because it is. Buy only for DTV and YouTube.
20/12/2018 12:00
Source: VONTAR Official Store

Ships From:China Plug Type:EU Plug Color:1G 8G and T2 air mou

Conclusions: Often freezes and only need to pull out from the socket with remote does not work (when depends). try to change the driver can help.
16/12/2018 12:00
Source: Milly Electronics


Conclusions: Console works, but there are disadvantages, one of the buttons include Kitchen Hood, second controls light))) channels switch I in the opposite direction, "+" reduces the and "-" increases))) Is the problems that confronted directly, otherwise, time will tell)))
AliExpress Shopper
29/11/2018 12:00
Source: Best Professional Electronics Store

Color:EU Plug

Conclusions: Match the description. Relatively long boot when powered on. In general, works well. Интернеет for Wi-Fi caught without problems. Recommend. The Seller sent the goods quickly
29/11/2018 12:00
Source: GoodStart Store

Ships From:China Plug Type:EU Plug

Conclusions: i am very disappointed by this seller
AliExpress Shopper
22/11/2018 12:00
Source: GoodStart Store

Ships From:China Plug Type:US Plug

Conclusions: yes I received this item on November 5th November 5th and is excellent good thank you for that one and I have received it yet it's Bluetooth speaker will be black is November 23rd and I am received yet can you help me out let me know something about it its a Bluetooth speaker please help me I need to know something where is that thank you very much

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