Advantages: Windows+Android Very Very Fast Good HD Buy it 100x100 Low price + Good quality
Limitations: Some apps in chinnesse but u cant erase it
06/01/2017 12:00
Source: GearBest
very good for price
Advantages: having to operating systems and swithing with just one click
Limitations: the space is very small for 2 operating systems
05/01/2017 12:00
Source: GearBest
Very Good
Advantages: Dual Boot Intel Quad Core 2GB RAM 32 ROM
Limitations: Very Low Usable space Problems Reseting Problems Updating Built Quality
03/01/2017 12:00
Source: GearBest
Ausdauer mit HD-Display besser
Advantages: Dual Boot System Windows + Android, HD Display schont den Akku, Multi Language bei Android
Limitations: wenig Speicher im Android, Windowssprachen müssen außer englisch und chinesisch nachträglich installiert werden
26/12/2016 12:00
Source: GearBest
Advantages: Excelent value for the Money! Perfect for someone who travel a lot, because it will fit in a jacket pocket. Both OS works perfect!
Limitations: Old Android System and the screen resolution is a bit old fashion but for what I paid I can't ask for more.
21/12/2016 12:00
Source: GearBest
super vmf
Advantages: vfmihave 8 months and all work wellfor this budget is very good
Limitations: low quality in colors in screen
19/12/2016 12:00
Source: GearBest
onda tablet
Advantages: good product, responsive, not expansive, good dimension
Limitations: i am very happy about this product, but when it arrived, the screen support à line on all the screen gearbest refund me a part for the problem, the line is on the nleft of the screen , but i can use it
16/12/2016 12:00
Source: GearBest
Onda v820w
Advantages: Good relation quality/price. Fast delivery from EU grotto. Very compact. The screen is bright. It works very fast.
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