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Blackview A8 - Comments

Page number 2
V***i C.
17/04/2017 01:33
Source: Mo-bile

Seller excellent

Conclusions: Seller excellent. Items very good. All ok. Thanks.
A***r K.
14/04/2017 02:40
Source: D&S Electronic Mall

Order received,everything works fine,thank you

Conclusions: Order received,everything works fine,thank you.
L***U L.
09/04/2017 03:28
Source: Globalstar Smartphone

No Feedback Score

Conclusions: No Feedback Score
09/04/2017 12:00
Source: GearBest

Thanks gearbest...as described

Advantages: Thanks gearbest...as described
Limitations: no..
A***a G.
26/03/2017 08:23
Source: Shop2927078 Store

great purchase :)

Conclusions: great purchase :)
M***i A.
25/02/2017 01:40
Source: D&S Electronic Mall

ill have

Conclusions: ill have some probkems with the phone but after a good comunication with the seller we solved them... ;)
08/12/2016 12:00
Source: GearBest

Blackview A8 3G Smartphone

Advantages: Fast shipping. Low prices.All super. Excellent support
Limitations: No problems.
02/12/2016 12:00
Source: GearBest


Advantages: Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird
Limitations: Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird Look at me, i'm a bird
23/05/2016 06:58
Source: TinyDeal

Good phone for the price - but comes with trojan!

Conclusions: For about 50 EUR this phone was a steal. Build quality is okay-ish, some painting issues here and there, but for the price it's OK. Runs Android 5.1 well. BEWARE! PSA for new owners: the v0.7 ROM it ships with comes with a trojan dropper called "fun". Make sure before using the phone online or before you enter any passwords for example gmail that you root the phone, and install something like Titanium Backup that can uninstall this system application. Because of this Ease of Use is only 3 stars. Once you do this you will have a pretty nice phone!
13/05/2016 05:06
Source: TinyDeal


Conclusions: good
05/05/2016 03:11
Source: TinyDeal

Good phone for the price - but comes with trojan!

Conclusions: excellent .. highly recommend your purchase.
03/05/2016 07:02
Source: TinyDeal

Good phone for the price - but comes with trojan!

Conclusions: This was a great phone for the price. Had the latest Android operating system and is a nice looking phone. I removed the sim from my old Iphone(ATT) and put it right into this one with little problems.
02/05/2016 12:47
Source: TinyDeal

Good phone for the price - but comes with trojan!

Conclusions: is working good so far Love it
01/05/2016 04:37
Source: TinyDeal

Good phone for the price - but comes with trojan!

Conclusions: Excellent! Is more than you expect for that price.
30/04/2016 10:22
Source: TinyDeal

Good phone for the price - but comes with trojan!

Conclusions: Great phone.Bought it as a gift for someone.Have had no complaints.

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