Advantages: This tablet has all the basics you need & is super easy to use. I bought this for my husband who is far from tech savvy and he has no trouble operating it.
04/07/2016 12:00
Source: GeekBuying
Advantages: I LOVE IT!!! Just enough for me to browse a little, play some games, and do a little reading. Very user friendly and cheap price.
02/07/2016 12:00
Source: GeekBuying
Works great
Advantages: Came earlier than the arrival date, works great, and is exactly as described. I couldn't be happier about this little thing. It's perfect and it's small size makes it easy to pack up and take with you.
30/06/2016 12:00
Source: GeekBuying
Great inexpensive tablet
Advantages: A great inexpensive tablet as long you do not have the expectations that this is an iPad. I use it to run the same apps on my phone just with a larger screen. Makes reading emails and documents from home a lot easier.
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