Conclusions: really i like this phone soo
nice forme large battery 30000 mah
and fast delivery
juste 36 days in normal post
thanks tinydeal i love it
i want buy more
27/01/2017 12:00
Source: GearBest
Decent phone with 2GB Ram + 4G network
Advantages: Fast cpu with no lags, pure android and beautiful - sport design with blue back cover.
Limitations: none so far
14/01/2017 12:00
Source: GearBest
Advantages: Good an up-to-date Hardware, removeable and reasonable sized battery, fresh and unconventional design, smooth running Android
Limitations: none so far, but I guess there is no chance getting Android 7 for stock rom, because Mali T-720 is not officially supported by Vulkan API
16/11/2016 12:12
Source: TinyDeal
Thank you very much
Conclusions: Thank you very much.
great quality.Nice price.big batery,super resolution,safe packing.
Fast delivery .
I recommend to everyone.
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